Create a new discussion. crazy that modern windows OS has a strict limit of 2048 and breaks %windir% which incidentally is just defined as %systemroot% anyways! It would be a lot easier than having to migrate through Windows Explorer to accomplish this task should I have to ever modify the Hosts file again on a PC. As of verions 2.0, script has been designed to function on both Windows PowerShell 5.x and PowerShell 7.0. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem. SystemRoot and Windir are two built-in environment variables that point to your Windows directory. Windows10の環境変数の一覧を紹介します。. Script bat que elimina telemetría y aplicaciones por defecto en Windows 10 - Elimina_telemetria_y_aplicaciones_Windows10.bat I recommend placing the script file at C:\Windows\System32\ and then modifying C:\Windows\System32\sconfig.cmd so that this script replaces the built-in .vbs sconfig. No reason to use %windir% if it can fail like this. Learn more Powershell script moves the Default IIS Directory to another drive. I tried to find a way to do this in PowerShell but could not. For Windows PowerShell 5.x, change the .cmd file content to: echo off I got my %windir% working again by pruning the path. 環境変数はドライブや特定のファイルやフォルダなど、OS内の特定の場所へのパスを表す定義済な名前です。. I am sure there is a way to do this under PS, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

At launch, Windows 10 was criticized for adding more data collection and telemetry into the OS than previous versions. Windows 10 has been out for a while now and Microsoft continues to release feature upgrades. 環境変数はユーザー名や完全なパスを知らなくても特定の場所に素早く移動できるため、IT担当者は知っておいた方が便利です。 传统的控制台一般没有象Powershell这么高级的变量系统。它们都是依赖于机器本身的环境变量,进行操作 。环境变量对于powershell显得很重要,因为它涵盖了许多操作系统的细节信息。此外,powershell中的变量只存在于powershell内部的会话中,一旦powershell关闭,这些变量就会自生自灭。 This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. This is a direct translation from the batch file code found at and contains the code in Although both are built-in variables, SystemRoot variable is read-only, but Windir variable can can be removed or edited, and its setting is stored in the registry.If %Windir% is not recognized or resolved by the system, your batch scripts that use the By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use.