Make authenticated and authorized API … From the projects list, select a project or create a new one. The Google APIs Explorer dynamically generates code samples, which are designed to be copied and run locally. See methods available for each API and what parameters they support along with inline documentation. Fill in the form, click the Execute button, and see the results. It also shows you how to use the APIs Explorer template to call the Dataproc API to update a cluster. The Google APIs Explorer is is a tool that helps you explore various Google APIs interactively. Be sure to also tag your question with the tag for the API you are querying using the API Explorer. To see the samples, open the fullscreen APIs Explorer by clicking the icon in the APIs Explorer. The widget presents a form showing the parameters for each method. To get help, submit your questions to Stack Overflow with the google-apis-explorer tag. This site is deprecated for Endpoints APIs. For exploring and testing Endpoints APIs, try the Cloud Endpoints Portal . The samples update to reflect the parameter and property values you have entered in the tool. With the APIs Explorer, you can: Browse quickly through available APIs and versions. By default, the APIs Explorer shows how to use cURL to execute your request. You can find out how to create a cluster using the Google Cloud Console in Quickstart Using the Console , using the command line in Quickstart using the gcloud command-line tool , and programmatically using the Cloud Client Libraries .

Google engineers monitor and answer questions about the Google API Explorer on Stack Overflow using the tag google-apis-explorer. The API Explorer is an excellent way to try out methods in the Monitoring API without having to write any code. To enable an API for your project: Go to the API Console. If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the console left side menu and select APIs & services, and then... Click the API you want to enable. Execute requests for any method and see responses in real time.