_ SeriesCollection.Extend Worksheets(1).Range("c1:c10") _ SeriesCollection.Extend Worksheets(1).Range("c1:c10") Use the Add method to create a new series and add it to the chart. This would be … A user of my Peltier Tech Charts for Excel 3.0 asked recently whether this program could perform interactive formatting of all series 2 in a set of charts to the same color.. Well, my program does many things, but it can’t do this. Pato End With. From my experiments in the last day or two, I found that if I change the series line format it changes also the marker line format. In order to turn off this behavior apparently you need to set the Line.Visible property to msoTriStateMixed. Dim ws As Worksheet. Gets either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group. How can I have double precsion line widths (e.g 1, 1.2, 1.5 and 2.25 pts) set with the Border.Width procedure? Dim co As ChartObject . To then remove the unwanted lines that are added, do ' Finally remove the pesky lines that Excel adds to the star points oChart.SeriesCollection(1).Border.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone ' Excel 2007 macro recorder does not record this "mischab1" wrote: But it does not work!!
.Format.Line.Weight = 1.75 is the same as .Format.Line.Weight = 1I am using… Dim srs as Series For Each srs In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection srs.Border.Weight = xlMedium Next or Dim iSrs as Integer For iSrs = 1 To ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count Thanks! With .Format.Line 'switching the line visibility off & on seems necessary to set the line colour using the ForeColor Property of the LineFormat object (in Excel 2007).Visible = msoFalse.Visible = msoTrue 'sets Series Line width to 1.5 pts.Weight = 1.5 'set the foreground fill color for Series Line to red.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

I need to create a subroutine that puts the data for the line y=2x+7 in columns a and b from x=1 to 100, make a graph of that line, have that graph appear in the worksheet, and format the graph as follows: Solid black line for the data (no markers) with a weight of 2.25; Solid black axes lines (with a weight of 2.25) and a font size of 16 Gets either a single series (a Series object) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group. Such a highly specific feature is hard to … End With . I am trying to change the weight of the border of a column chart in VBA using the following code:(Code, 10 lines)The .Format.Line.Weight seems to ignore the decimal places i.e. Then save it as a template. VBA Excel Chart SeriesCollection. The following code example creates a Chart and then uses the SeriesCollection method to add data labels to the first series in the chart. With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines(1).Border.ColorIndex = 5.Border.Weight = xlThick With .Format.Line.EndArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadTriangle End With End With Select all Open in new window If (n) = 1 Then ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Select With Selection.MarkerStyle = 8.MarkerSize = 7 End With With Selection.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 240).Transparency = 0.Weight = 0.5 End With End If. Hi everyone,can anyone out there help me with this code.I am trying to write a loop in order to get all names of the series automatically. Select all Open in new window. Sub dd() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Application.ActiveWorkbook Dim myChart As Chart Set myChart = wb.Charts("Chart5") Dim mySeries As series For Each mySeries In myChart.SeriesCollection mySeries.Format.Line.Weight = 1# Next End Sub

Two ways come to mind.
Dim ch As Chart. The following code example creates a Chart and then uses the SeriesCollection method to add data labels to the first series in the chart. oPoint.Format.Line.Weight = xlThin ' =2; xlthick=4.