... How to query WMI with Command Line (CMD) and Batch File.

Find answers to Get running processes and their children using WMI from the expert community at Experts Exchange Q&A for Work. When I use the Process Explorer on Windows Vista, I see the command line parameters but when I run this simple program, it does not print the command line params/agruments. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

SELECT * FROM CLASS Example 2: Following query would return all processes running in your operating system. Teams.

Select * From Win32_Process Example 3: You could filter results based on process properties. This is the Complete WMI query guide with WMI Explorer namespaces enumeration, Powershell and CMD query. I am trying to get the command line parameters of a process (it was started from a cmd.exe shell). Skip to content. If you run the script on a computer with UAC without elevating it, you will only see CommandLine values for processes created by your account; if any other processes were created by another account, the CommandLine property will be NULL. The script below will list all of the processes on the local computer as well as the WIN32_Process CommandLine property. SELECT * FROM Win32_Process. I have a simple program in C#. SELECT * FROM Win32_Process where ProcessID = ‘9968’ WQL supports all basic operators that SQL supports.