Ergebnisse vom J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge sowie weitere Infos findest du hier. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. P. Morgan Corporate Challenge 2019 in Frankfurt am Main Deutschland. Sendung 19:30 Uhr vom 3.12.2019 03.12.2019 SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg ∙ SWR Baden-Württemberg Japan Public Holidays 2019 ; This page contains a national calendar of all 2019 public holidays. Notice of Resolutions at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders This is to inform you that at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Kyushu Railway Company (the “Company”), reports and resolutions were made as follows: Details Matters reported: 1. Firmenlauf, Strecke 5,6 km