NOTE: CallKit features are available for devices running iOS 10+ and Line2 v10+ List of Improvements for Line2 made possible by CallKit. In your Xamarin.forms project, create a interface with the method you want to call: public interface IStartCallKit { void registerCallKit(); void startCallKit(); } You can use a dependency-service to implement CallKit in a Xamarin.forms project.. Base class for CallKit actions, such as those taken when a call begins or ends, a call is put on hold, and so on. CXProvider. A CXProvider object is responsible for reporting out-of-band notifications that occur to the system. That's all there is to it. Use the native incoming call UI in both locked and unlocked state. For incoming call use CXProvider – System services like Bluetooth, Siri, Call also uses CallKit as core. So app talk to CallKit(App) using CXProvider then CallKit talks to system. As a developer, you will mostly use two primary classes: CXProvider and CXCallController. Basically, it turns VoIP calls into regular phone calls (at least for apps that support it). Also, I recommend comparing your app to the sample code app Speakerbox published by Apple to see if there are any pieces missing from your implementation. Let's go over some important details from this short piece of code. That's all there is to it. My question how to implement a call directory extension in iOS app to identify incoming call detail. With CallKit, incoming Line2 calls now come in full screen with a visual caller ID and can be answered directly from the lock screen with a simple swipe — exactly like a regular iPhone call. I am working on callKit framework, I found that by the use of call directory extension, we can Identify the incoming phone number. You'll see the incoming call screen as soon as the app loads.

That will make it so incoming calls appear on your iPhone with the same UI and overall functionality of a regular cellular call on your phone.

System then talks to CallKit(System) and then CallKit(System) talks to system services and vice versa. It lets VoIP apps use the standard phone app to call/receive calls, integrating with the phone's contacts and recent calls list. 1. Can't believe CallKit is that easy? Interact with other calls in the system. CallKit does not work in the iOS Simulator, so your app will need to be run on a device instead. CXAnswerCallAction Contains the information that the application needs in order to answer a call at the user's request. I am working in Objective C. Let a number "+919876xxxxx" add in call directory extension using this method: Line2 and CallKit on iOS.